Monday, May 05, 2008

Whose side are you on?

She says:

You gave me your heart
And I gave you my mine
And this deal was signed
On our love’s dotted line
But I have a complain
And I will not refrain
In calling you a cheat
Because your heart
Didn't my desires meet
And we won’t ever wed
Because your heart is made
Of cheap cotton thread
When I washed it and rinsed
In my love’s deep springs
Your heart bled and shrank
And in its own color it sank
Like a heavy wedding ring
So request you to return
My heart that you have worn
Shamelessly on your sleeve,
Because you see we are done

He says:

We are done, did you say
I couldn’t be more glad
Your love was a noose
Around my dreams, a fad
Your heart I will return
What a demanding thing!
It wants to be chained to me
Like a bird without wings
And my lesson is learnt
Love much sadness brings
But first let’s talk about mine
How dare you call it cheap
It is the best of male breed
Didn’t you read the label above
The heart is allergic to much love
I don’t even want to wed
After all this heart less sorrow
Just go with me to bed
It will all be better tomorrow
